Oral Presentation Guidelines
You are requested to prepare a PowerPoint presentation outlining your research using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 or later. Presentations should be in the 16:9 ratio format.
The maximum time allocated for oral presentations is 8 minutes with 2 minutes allocated for Q and A following your presentation. RCSSA presentations will be 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation & 10 minutes for questions & answers)
Lead authors should avail themselves to present their research in person. In exceptional circumstances, virtual presentations will be permitted provided that at least one co-author is present in person. Lead authors who need to make use of a virtual presentation must contact the congress secretariat to make arrangements (email KerryF@turnersconferences.co.za).
Please ensure that you have uploaded your presentation/s onto the server 24 hours prior to presentation time. This can be done at the Speaker Preparation Centre at the ICC Durban in Hospitality Suite 24 (Baobab Suite). If you have embedded audio and|or video clips please bring these clips with you as separate files in case they need to be re-embedded.
Speakers should report to the meeting room they are presenting in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled session to familiarise yourself with the venue, equipment and chairpersons.